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African Table

Our African Table is a 3d-printed side table. The idea for the piece derives from photographs depicting antique African side tables and bowl stands with interlocking wooden legs, which are skilfully hand carved from a single piece of wood.


Case Study


Exploring the idea of interlocking legs further and creating a modern interpretation of this typology we used state of the art CAD software and a 3D printer allowing this complex geometry being built in one piece.

This particular 3D sand printing process, called binder jetting, gives our African Table its interesting raw aesthetic due to its rough surface finish. It is commonly used in the automotive industry for prototyping and small batch production and offers the possibility to realize pretty large and complex objects.

"An iterative design and prototyping process helped us to understand and refine the interlocking shape to create a beautiful and stable connection."

Gernot Oberfell

Talking about manufacturing

The table is printed in sand and afterwards infiltrated with a resin. Our prototype was built by ExOne Gmbh in Germany using a process called binder jetting.